In this article, we explore one important method for protecting your corporate datacenter, a VPN.
security Articles
How to Improve your Firm’s Cybersecurity Presence
The biggest concern for companies globally is the looming risk of cyber perils. The constant threat of data breaches, major IT outages, or ransomware attacks worry most companies even more than a global pandemic or business and supply chain disruption. The last...
Reduce the Risk of Cybersecurity Breaches
Cybersecurity has been a major concern for businesses and individuals alike since the early 2000s. Recent attacks have been costly, with reports suggesting that in the last year alone losses have exceeded million in fees, ransoms, and damages. Hackers are becoming...
Workflow Security
Office 365 provides a number of collaboration and communications tools, offering an all-in-one solution for corporate data communication, collaboration, and storage. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Office 365 has been aggressively adding security features to help...
Why On-Premise Business Phone Systems Are Outdated
Regardless of scale, size, and domain, communication remains the cornerstone of any business. With a robust communication infrastructure in place, it is easier to stay connected with clients, vendors, partners, and employees at all times. As a business owner,...
Compare Security of Office 365 with Google Workspace for Small Business
Small businesses are increasingly relying on cloud-based services to store, share, and collaborate on documents and data. For that reason, it is important for business owners to know the different security features offered by the two leading cloud-based services,...
Am I paying too much for internet and phones?
When running a small business, one of the most important decisions you will make is what type of internet and phone services you need. There are a variety of options available, but it can be difficult to know if you are paying too much for the services you are...
How to Hack Proof Your Business with MFA
There are many benefits to Multi-Factor Authentication. Today’s businesses operate in a digital world where cyberattacks are commonplace and can come from almost any angle. Hackers may target your company’s computer network, email servers, or even your first security...
Are You Paying Too Much for Internet
High-speed internet is not only critical to the effective and efficient day-to-day running of companies and businesses, it has also become as essential as gas, water, and electricity. With an average monthly internet bill of $64, most firms in the US are paying...