Are You Paying Too Much for Internet

by | Aug 15, 2022 | VIP-IT Blog

High-speed internet is not only critical to the effective and efficient day-to-day running of companies and businesses, it has also become as essential as gas, water, and electricity.


With an average monthly internet bill of $64, most firms in the US are paying more than they should for internet access! While most internet plans start around $40/mo., fees, equipment costs, and taxes typically add on about $15. For select plans and depending on your location, this cost can go as high as $100 without the added cost of equipment rental, installation/activation fees, and other related service fees and taxes.


Why Does Your Internet Cost So Much?

The Switching Problem

Few subscribers dedicate the time required to compare service providers in respect to the value they offer, and thus fail to change providers at the end of their deal. Providers benefit from this inability to explore better options with multi-year contracts that capitalize on this switching problem.


Typical business usage of internet services tends to utilize only a lower percentage of allocated bandwidth on their circuit. Furthermore, additional benefits that most people pay for a return on value or are rarely engaged.


Your Options?

Clients looking to reduce their overall expenses on internet services should take a good look at switching providers. You are better off switching to a new carrier as often as possible to take full advantage of new subscription benefits. If your options are limited, however, you can call your internet provider and ask for a better deal.

A thorough review of your past spending may reveal resources that are not being utilized. Downgrading should allow you to optimize what you are paying for and get rid of extra unused features that are only adding to costs. Also, before upgrading your current deal, it is important to do a thorough and rigorous comparison of features and benefits, to make sure you are getting optimum value.

You can make efficient use of your internet by saving on bandwidth consumption. Reduce your firm’s bandwidth consumption with the following strategies:


  • Use QoS to reserve bandwidth
  • Use hosted filtering
  • Throttle cloud backup applications
  • Centralize application updates
  • Use a proxy cache
  • Limit the use of VoIP

Some of the solutions to the issues listed above are why we work with DesignRush. Making clients aware of our services via their platform, enables us to reach clients in need of answers and support. 



There are myriad ways of saving money on internet services that most business owners just don’t think about. We invite you to explore your options and take advantage of any available deals which might help your business optimize your usage and capture some cost savings.

At VIP-IT, we explore bespoke solutions for our clients every day. We are committed to steadfastly working to deliver solutions that make the most sense for your long-term benefits by providing top-notch service and being highly sensitive to all your technological and financial goals.

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